We are firmly confident with the strong will and sense of responsibility of women as a great power of society.

Эмомалӣ Раҳмон

Measures to prevent domestic violence

27 November 2020, Friday

      On November 27, 2020, within the framework of the 16 days campaign against violence against women according to order of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a meeting of the Coordination council of the Project “Prevention of domestic violence” PDV on “Common efforts to support the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On prevention of domestic violence” and “State programme on the prevention of domestic violence in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2014-2023” with the participation of representatives of relevant ministries and agencies.
    This event was aimed to analyze the activities of interdepartmental cooperation on the implementation of legislation on the prevention of domestic violence in the Republic of Tajikistan in 2020 and review cooperation plans for 2021.



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