We acknowledge that woman is a mother and the only creature of human being.

Эмомалӣ Раҳмон

Hot line

on violence against women


free calls within the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan


The hotline is intended for women victims of domestic violence and other types of violence who want to restore their psycho-emotional state after the experience of violence, to find out about their rights and the existing opportunities for their assistance and protection.

Who can call the Hotline?

  • Women and girls victims of domestic violence, regardless of where they live;
  • Women and girls victims of sexual violence;
  • Relatives, relatives or neighbors of the victim who want to help the victim;
  • Specialists who, by the nature of their work, encounter victims of violence and are obliged to take certain measures to help or protect victims.

Hot Line consultants provide telephone consultations every day of the week, around the clock (schedule and working hours), anonymously and confidentially.

Илова кунед